Tuesday, March 31, 2009

HandSpring VISOR

I just bought a old style PDA from TaoBao. There is only a PDA machine without conncecton cradle. I have to sync through the IRDA. Google "visor IRDA", I found these useful article and tools.

HandSpring VISOR

Try to sync with IRDA,

There are some usefully tools for this.

BeamSync for Visor 1.0b2

Below the review comment.
"Great application! Thanks, and thanks for making it free.For WinXP, I also had to set the desktop IR speed to 56k. Menu picks were Control Panel -> Wireless Link -> Hardware tab -> Properties -> Advanced tab -> Maximum Connection Speed -> 56k. Whew.The rest was similiar to other reviews (enable IR in hotsync manager, etc)."

Help Doc

You should rember this change the Speed to 56K
Enjoy this.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Crash on MFC GUI for Korean language

For a project.
I have to port GUI for Korean language.

CONTROL "",IDC_STATIC,"static",SS_ETCHEDHORZ,7,136,282,1

Translation company translate static to "정적", This case GUI crash.

I think this case stack overflow. so I can't accept any message from GUI.

I study this for a long time to find the root issuse.

We must check this.

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Thursday, March 05, 2009


When U use system(), it will help U extract the * or wildcard to the current file.
So such as tar will run sucessuflly.

If U use the execv(), it will just run the arg which u give.

/father.c mother.c son.c daughter.c

system("ls *") ==> ls father.c mother.c son.c daughter.c
execv( "ls", argv[]") ===> ls *

It's funny, but thanks shell help us extract wild card.

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